Eat Supper
Have Late-Night Snacks
It's a common practice in our culture to gather with friends and eat supper at night.
在我們的文化中,晚上和朋友一起吃宵夜是一種常見的做法。 -
Whenever we have a movie night, we like to have late-night snacks to enjoy while watching.
每當我們有看電影的夜晚,我們都喜歡一邊看電影一邊吃宵夜。 -
Having a light supper before bed can help curb hunger and promote better sleep.
在睡前吃一頓輕食的宵夜可以幫助抑制飢餓,促進更好的睡眠。 -
Some people prefer to eat supper as a way to unwind after a long day of work.
有些人喜歡通過吃宵夜來放鬆,緩解一天的辛勞工作。 -
Late-night snacking can be a social activity, where friends gather to enjoy food and conversation.
晚間小吃可以是一種社交活動,在這裡朋友聚在一起享受食物和交談。 -
In some cities, there are special food stalls that cater to those who enjoy eating supper late at night.
在一些城市,有一些特殊的小吃攤位,專門為那些喜歡在深夜吃宵夜的人提供服務。 -
Having a light late-night meal is a good option for those who have irregular schedules.
對於作息不規律的人來說,吃一頓輕食的宵夜是一個不錯的選擇。 -
Eating supper with friends can be a fun way to bond and relax after a busy day.
與朋友一起吃宵夜可以是一種有趣的方式,有助於在繁忙的一天之後建立友誼和放鬆。 -
Late-night snacking can include a variety of foods, from simple sandwiches to more elaborate dishes.
晚間小吃可以包括各種食物,從簡單的三明治到更精緻的菜餚。 -
Enjoying a light late-night meal can be a comforting way to wrap up the day before heading to bed.
臺灣人愛吃宵夜幾乎已經是全世界都知道的事情,你看臺灣各縣市都有特色的夜市就知道,都市裡也到處都有開很晚的美食商店,琳琅滿目的美食可以當作宵夜的好選擇,宵夜的英文可以用 late-night snacks 來表示,其中 late-night 表示比普通晚餐還要晚的概念,snacks ...