My uncle is a doctor and he helps a lot of people.
我的叔叔是個醫生,他幫了很多人。 -
Uncle John is coming to visit us next week.
下週叔叔 John 會來拜訪我們。 -
Can Uncle Tom fix my bicycle? It's not working properly.
叔叔 Tom 能修理我的腳踏車嗎?它壞了。 -
Uncle David always tells the best stories from his travels.
叔叔 David 總是講他旅行時最棒的故事。 -
Thank you, Uncle Mike, for teaching me how to fish.
謝謝你,叔叔 Mike,教我如何釣魚。 -
Uncle Henry's house is by the lake, it's very peaceful there.
叔叔 Henry 的房子在湖邊,那裡很寧靜。 -
I'm going to stay at Uncle Paul's house for the weekend.
這個週末我會住在叔叔 Paul 的家裡。 -
Uncle Jack is really good at playing the guitar.
叔叔 Jack 在彈吉他方面很厲害。 - I love when Uncle Ben tells us jokes, he's so funny! 我喜歡叔叔 Ben 講笑話,他真是太有趣了!
Uncle Robert promised to take us to the amusement park next month.
叔叔 Robert 答應下個月帶我們去遊樂園。
東方人與西方人都有親屬關係上的稱謂,不過因為生活習慣與文化上的差異,讓東方人與西方人在稱謂上有很明顯的差異與使用習慣,例如在台灣,爺爺、奶奶、阿公、阿嬤通常是指父親這邊的,而外公、外婆則是母親的父母,在國外則通常習慣直接用 grandfather 及 grandmother,這就 ...