dragon boat racing名詞
[動詞] row the dragon boat
- The dragon boat racing has now developed into a sports event.
划龍舟現已發展為體育活動。 -
The dragon boat racing was promoted as a sports project.
划龍舟被推廣成為體育項目。 -
The average person may think that the dragon boat racing appeared with the Dragon Boat Festival.
一般人可能認為划龍舟隨端午節而出現。 -
There are several rules for the dragon boat racing.
划龍舟的比賽規則有好幾種。 -
Most of the dragon boat racing are straight.
大部分的划龍舟賽都是直線進行。 -
You can also see the Japanese dragon boat racing through the Internet.
透過網路也能看到日本的划龍舟比賽。 -
The sport of dragon boat racing really consumes a lot of energy.
划龍舟這種運動真的相當消耗體力。 - Dragon boat racing is a canoe-sport.
划龍舟賽是一項獨木舟運動。 - Traditional dragon boat racing, in China, coincides with the 5th day of the 5th Chinese lunar month.
在中國,傳統的划龍舟賽恰逢中國農曆五月初五。 - Modern dragon boat racing is organized at the international level by the International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF).
端午節不只是東亞生活圈的重要節日,也是臺灣人闔家團圓的一個重要節日,端午節的日期是每年的農曆五月五日,大約是國曆的六月份,西方世界也有許多人會想認識我們的端午節,這篇就來幫大家介紹端午節常用到的一些英文說法,也許在英文寫作或與外國朋友聊天時可以用得上,本篇文章以端午節的由來及習俗 ...