gua bao名詞
pork belly buns, bao bun
- The gua bao can be said to be a burger of the East.
刈包可以說是東方人的漢堡。 -
I especially like to eat the gua bao of this restaurant.
我特別喜歡吃這家餐廳的刈包。 -
Our chefs have developed a variety of different taste gua baos.
我們的廚師研發出各種不同口味的刈包。 -
The gua bao is a very traditional food in Asia.
刈包是亞洲非常傳統的食物。 -
The stuffing of the gua bao usually has braised pork, parsley, pickled mustard green and peanut flour.
刈包的餡料通常有紅燒肉、香菜、酸菜、花生粉。 -
The dough on the gua bao is very fragrant.
刈包的麵皮味道很香。 -
We brought a few gua baos to go on an outing.
我們帶了幾個刈包準備去郊遊。 -
I am eating a gua bao on the top of the mountain.
我正在山頂上吃刈包。 -
I just ate two gua baos.
我剛剛吃了兩個刈包。 -
The gua bao made by Mary used very good ingredients.

清明節(Qingming Festival 或 Ching Ming festival)是臺灣非常重要的一個節日,其實清明原本只是二十四節氣之一,在春分之後,穀雨之前,時間為每年陽曆4月4日或5日太陽到達黃經15°時開始,通常落在國曆4月4日或4月5日其中一天,經過數千年 ...