It's important to refrigerate perishable foods to keep them fresh and safe to eat.
將易腐食物冷藏是保持它們新鮮且安全可食用的重要措施。 -
After cooking, be sure to refrigerate the leftovers promptly to prevent spoilage.
烹飪後,務必迅速將剩菜剩飯冷藏,以防止變質。 -
The recipe recommends refrigerating the dough for an hour before baking.
該食譜建議在烘焙前將麵團冷藏一個小時。 -
Store the opened can of soup in the refrigerator and consume it within a few days.
把開封的罐頭湯存放在冰箱裡,在幾天內食用完畢。 -
It's best to refrigerate dairy products like milk and yogurt to maintain their freshness.
最好將牛奶和優格等乳製品冷藏,以保持其新鮮度。 -
The salad dressing should be refrigerated after opening to preserve its flavor.
開封後的沙拉醬應該冷藏,以保持其風味。 -
Remember to refrigerate the cake if you don't finish it all in one sitting.
如果一次沒有吃完蛋糕,記得將其冷藏。 -
The chicken needs to be refrigerated as soon as possible to prevent bacteria growth.
雞肉需要盡快冷藏,以防止細菌滋生。 -
I always refrigerate my homemade sauces to extend their shelf life.
我總是將自製的醬料冷藏,以延長其保存期限。 -
Don't forget to refrigerate the fruit juices to keep them cool and refreshing.

哈密瓜又稱為哈蜜瓜,是一種來自葫蘆科植物的水果,其學名為Cucumis melo var. reticulatus,學名總是複雜的,我們只要記得英文名稱 Cantaloupe 就很夠用了,哈密瓜在夏季生長,其外形通常呈現圓形或橢圓形,果皮表面光滑,呈現黃色至橙色,並帶有淡淡的網狀 ...