- Despite the challenges, he still managed to meet the deadline.
儘管面臨挑戰,他依然成功地在截止日期前完成了工作。 - She is still committed to her goal of learning a new language.
她依然堅持著學習一門新語言的目標。 - Even after all these years, the book's message is still relevant.
經過這麼多年,這本書的信息依然相關。 - He is still enthusiastic about his research despite the setbacks.
儘管遇到挫折,他依然對他的研究充滿熱情。 - The team is still working on improving the product's features.
團隊依然在努力改進產品的功能。 - Despite the changes in technology, the company's core values are still the same.
儘管技術變化,公司的核心價值依然不變。 - She still remembers the lessons she learned during her time abroad.
她依然記得在國外期間學到的教訓。 - The restaurant's food quality is still exceptional after all these years.
經過這麼多年,這家餐廳的食物品質依然非常出色。 - The movie still resonates with audiences, even decades after its release.
這部電影在幾十年後依然能引起觀眾共鳴。 - Despite the challenges, they are still determined to achieve their goals.
臺灣社會有非常多不同的族群,包含全台各地的原住民朋友們,都是台灣的一部分,也許你會需要跟外國朋友介紹台灣的原住民文化,這時候如果用線上翻譯查詢原住民英文說法,很可能會出現 aborigines 或是 indigenous 這兩種翻譯,看似截然不同的兩個單字都可以代表原住民嗎?還是 ...