Buddhism is a major religion and philosophical system that originated in ancient India.
佛教是一個起源於古印度的重要宗教和哲學體系。 -
The teachings of the Buddha form the core principles of Buddhism.
佛陀的教導構成了佛教的核心原則。 -
Buddhism emphasizes the concepts of suffering, impermanence, and the path to enlightenment.
佛教強調苦、無常和覺悟之路的概念。 -
The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are fundamental teachings in Buddhism.
四聖諦和八正道是佛教的基本教義。 -
Buddhist monks and nuns lead a monastic life dedicated to spiritual practice and the pursuit of enlightenment.
佛教僧侶過著專注於修行和覺悟追求的寺院生活。 -
Meditation is a central practice in Buddhism for calming the mind and gaining insight.
冥想是佛教中用於平靜心靈和獲得洞察力的核心修行。 -
The spread of Buddhism across Asia led to the development of various traditions and schools within the religion.
佛教在亞洲的傳播導致了宗教內不同的傳統和宗派的發展。 -
The teachings of Mahayana Buddhism emphasize compassion and the goal of attaining enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.
大乘佛教的教義強調慈悲和為了造福眾生而追求覺悟的目標。 -
Zen Buddhism, also known as Chan Buddhism, emphasizes direct experience and meditation as a means to enlightenment.
禪宗佛教,又稱為禪宗,強調直接體驗和冥想作為達到覺悟的手段。 -
The teachings of Buddhism have had a profound influence on art, literature, and philosophy throughout history.
再過幾天就是元宵節了,這個傳統的節日是早年農曆新年的尾聲,雖然現代人過完春節連假差不多就等於過完新年,不過元宵節還是相當有意義的節日,大家會吃湯圓、提燈籠、猜燈謎,政府還會舉辦熱鬧的台灣燈會,我們寫了這篇元宵節特輯,幫大家整理常用的元宵節英文說法,如燈籠、湯圓、元宵、花燈,在快樂 ...