Have Possess, Hold, Benefit from, Be renowned for, Be known for, Be recognized for, Be celebrated for
- He has an extremely high reputation in the music industry and is hailed as a legendary musician.
他在音樂界享有極高的聲譽,被譽為傳奇的音樂家。 - She enjoys widespread influence on social media, attracting a large number of followers.
她在社交媒體上享有廣泛的影響力,吸引了大量的粉絲。 - The brand holds a leading position in the market with its high quality and innovative products.
這個品牌以其高品質和創新的產品而在市場上享有領先地位。 - The restaurant has a good reputation for its unique dishes and quality service.
這家餐廳以其獨特的菜品和優質的服務享有良好的口碑。 - He is an actor with outstanding acting skills, and he has performed exceptionally well in the film industry.
他是一位享有卓越演技的演員,在電影界有著出色的表現。 - The novel is well-known in the literary world for its profound thoughts and exquisite writing.
這部小說以其深刻的思想和精湛的筆法而在文學界享有盛名。 - Her works receive widespread acclaim in the art world for their unique artistic style.
她的作品因其獨特的藝術風格而在畫壇上享有廣泛的讚譽。 - The city is renowned in the tourism industry for its beautiful scenery and rich cultural resources.
這個城市以其美麗的風景和豐富的文化資源而在旅遊業界享有盛名。 - The community boasts a picturesque environment, and residents enjoy a tranquil and comfortable living environment.
這個社區環境優美,居民們都享有寧靜和舒適的生活環境。 - He has extensive experience and expertise in the academic field and enjoys an excellent academic reputation.
律師的英文最常見的說法是 lawyer,在英式英語和美式英語中都通用,Lawyer 指的是具有法律專業資格,並能夠為他人做司法代理的人。
在美式英語中,attorney 也可以用來指律師,Attorney 的意思是代理人,在法律領域特指具有出庭資格的律師,在美國有時候會看到 A ...