- Whey is the liquid component left after the casein has been coagulated and filtered out in the milk.
乳清是乳汁中酪蛋白凝結濾去後剩下的液體成分。 -
Whey is a by-product of the cheese making process.
乳清是製作奶酪過程中的副產品。 -
Whey contains a lot of protein, so whey is still a commercially valuable ingredient.
乳清含有相當豐富的蛋白質,所以乳清依然是具有商業價值的成分。 -
Although casein has been removed, in fact, whey still contains a small amount of fat.
僅管酪蛋白已經被去除,但實際上,乳清依然含有少量脂肪。 -
Whey contains lactose, vitamins and minerals.
乳清含有乳糖、維生素和礦物質成分。 -
The use of whey is quite extensive.
乳清的用途相當廣泛。 -
Whey can be added to biscuits or bread to increase the nutrients of the food.
乳清可以添加至餅乾或麵包中,增加食物的營養成分。 -
Whey can also be used to make animal feed.
乳清也可以用來製作動物飼料。 -
Whey will become whey powder after drying.
乳清經過烘乾就會成為乳清粉。 -
The dried whey powder can be further processed into food or feed.
乳製品在日常生活中是常見的食材,像是鮮奶、奶酪、起司、優格、保久乳 .... 等,都是大家耳熟能詳的乳製品,甚至咖啡上的奶泡或製作蛋糕的鮮奶油都是,我們今天就來整理這些常見的乳製品英文說法,因為這些產品在全世界幾乎都很暢銷,國外的超市也都很容易買到,建議盡量記 ...