


  1. The plane had only a few passengers on board due to the pandemic.
  2. The train conductor announced that all passengers must get off at the next station.
  3. The cruise ship can accommodate up to 2000 passengers at a time.
  4. The driver was responsible for the safety of all passengers on the bus.
  5. The airline provides passengers with complimentary meals and drinks during long-haul flights.
  6. The subway was crowded with passengers during rush hour.
  7. The tour bus stopped at a rest area to allow passengers to stretch their legs and use the restroom.
  8. The ship's captain announced that all passengers must gather at the designated area for a safety drill.
  9. The flight attendant checked the passengers' seat belts and overhead compartments before takeoff.


在美國的都市裡,搭乘公車或地鐵都很便利,但是第一次到一個陌生的地方,有時候還搞不清楚大眾運輸工具的用法時,搭乘計程車就會是個最方便的選擇,這裡準備了常用的搭乘計程車對話情境,附上英文翻譯,各位可以稍微參考一下,其實在美國搭計程車跟在台灣是差不多的: 告訴目的地 乘客:「請 ...
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