Taste in art is highly subjective, varying from person to person.
對藝術的品味是高度主觀的,因人而異。 -
Your opinion on this matter is entirely subjective.
你對這件事的看法完全是主觀的。 -
Beauty is often considered subjective, as it varies with culture and individual preferences.
美感常被視為是主觀的,因為它隨著文化和個人喜好而變化。 -
The decision was based on subjective feelings rather than objective data.
這個決定是基於主觀感覺而非客觀資料。 -
The quality of a movie can be a very subjective matter.
一部電影的品質可以是一個非常主觀的問題。 -
She argued that beauty contests are entirely subjective and unfair.
她認為選美比賽完全是主觀的,並且不公平。 -
Music taste is highly subjective; what one person loves, another may hate.
音樂品味是高度主觀的;一個人喜歡的,另一個人可能討厭。 -
Our perception of time passing is subjective and can vary in different situations.
我們對時間流逝的感知是主觀的,在不同的情況下可能有所不同。 -
The artist's work was criticized for being too subjective and lacking universal appeal.
這位藝術家的作品被批評為太過主觀,缺乏普遍吸引力。 -
The judge reminded the jury to set aside their subjective feelings and focus on the evidence.
一見鍾情是一種非常夢幻且浪漫的感覺,不知道各位有沒有這樣的經驗,當你看到一個讓你第一眼就迷上的人,彷彿這個世界都因他而整個變美了,只要沒看到這個人,心裡就會一直想他,有點懷疑又隱約覺得自己似乎愛上對方了,這大概就是一見鍾情的感覺, ...