coffee shop 詞類用法
- 名詞咖啡店, 咖啡廳, 咖啡館
coffee shop 的類似英文
- cafe:咖啡廳, 咖啡店, 咖啡館
coffee shop 中文例句
- I used to work in a coffee shop every day for a while.
我曾經有一段時間每天都在咖啡廳工作。 - Some coffee shops also sell coffee beans and coffee equipment.
有些咖啡廳也會銷售咖啡豆及咖啡器材。 - I want to build a coffee shop with a Central American style.
我想打造一間有中美洲風格的咖啡廳。 - Running a coffee shop requires a lot of skills.
經營一家咖啡廳需要很多的技能。 - If you run a coffee shop, it is hard to survive simply selling coffee.
如果你經營一家咖啡廳,只是單純的賣咖啡實在很難生存。 - I buy a latte at the coffee shop every morning.
我每天早上都會在咖啡店買一杯拿鐵咖啡。 - In Taiwan, most coffee shops sell American coffee and espresso.
在台灣,大多數的咖啡店都有賣美式咖啡及義式濃縮咖啡。 - This is a fully automatic coffee shop.
這是一家全自動的咖啡店。 - I can't stand a coffee shop that is not clean enough.
我無法忍受一家不夠乾淨的咖啡店。 - The owner of this coffee shop is very handsome.