Vast Collection
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum houses a vast collection of aviation and space-related artifacts.
史密森尼國家航空航天博物館收藏了一個龐大集合的航空航天相關文物。 -
The Louvre Museum in Paris exhibits a vast collection of art masterpieces from different periods and cultures.
巴黎羅浮宮博物館展示了來自不同時期和文化的藝術杰作的龐大集合。 -
The Library of Congress holds a vast collection of books, manuscripts, maps, and other historical documents.
國會圖書館擁有大量的書籍、手稿、地圖和其他歷史文件的龐大集合。 -
The British Museum showcases a vast collection of ancient artifacts and relics from various civilizations.
大英博物館展示了來自不同文明的古代文物和遺物的龐大集合。 -
The internet provides access to a vast collection of information, making it a valuable resource for research and knowledge.
互聯網提供了對大量信息的訪問,使其成為研究和知識的寶貴資源。 -
The National Gallery of Art boasts a vast collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts spanning centuries.
國家藝術畫廊擁有跨越數個世紀的龐大集合的繪畫、雕塑和裝飾藝術品。 -
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City houses a vast collection of cultural treasures from around the world.
紐約大都會藝術博物館收藏了來自世界各地的文化寶藏的龐大集合。 -
The Hermitage Museum in St.
Petersburg, Russia, features a vast collection of artworks, including paintings, sculptures, and antiquities.
俄羅斯聖彼得堡的埃爾米塔日博物館擁有大量的藝術品,包括繪畫、雕塑和古董。 -
The Natural History Museum of London showcases a vast collection of specimens, fossils, and minerals from the natural world.
倫敦自然歷史博物館展示了來自自然界的標本、化石和礦物的龐大集合。 -
The Victoria and Albert Museum in London exhibits a vast collection of decorative arts and design, spanning various cultures and time periods.