Betta fish
The Betta fish is known for its vibrant colors and flowing fins, making it a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts.
鬥魚以其豔麗的色彩和飄逸的鰭片而聞名,成為水族愛好者的熱門選擇。 -
Betta fish are often kept individually in small tanks due to their territorial nature.
由於鬥魚具有領土性格,通常會被單獨飼養在小水箱中。 -
The Betta's unique behavior, such as flaring its fins, adds entertainment value to fishkeeping.
鬥魚獨特的行為,如展開鰭片,為飼養魚類增添了娛樂價值。 -
Betta fish are labyrinth fish, meaning they can breathe air from the surface in addition to gills.
鬥魚是迷宮魚,這意味著它們除了腮部呼吸外還可以從水面吸氣。 -
The Betta's aggression makes it important to choose tankmates carefully in a community aquarium.
鬥魚的攻擊性使得在社區水族箱中謹慎選擇同缸伴侶極為重要。 -
Betta splendens is the scientific name for the Siamese fighting fish, commonly known as Betta.
Betta splendens是暹羅鬥魚的學名,通常被稱為Betta。 -
Betta fish are native to Southeast Asia, where they inhabit slow-moving waters like rice paddies and swamps.
鬥魚原生於東南亞,生活在慢流動的水域,如水稻田和沼澤地。 -
Breeding Betta fish requires careful consideration of water conditions and proper nesting sites.
繁殖鬥魚需要仔細考慮水質條件和合適的築巢地點。 -
Betta fish displays elaborate courtship rituals, including flaring and fin displays.
鬥魚展示複雜的求偶儀式,包括張開和翅膀的展示。 -
Betta fish have a labyrinth organ that allows them to extract oxygen from air, enabling them to survive in oxygen-deprived environments.
也許很多人喜歡在家裡或辦公室用魚缸養魚,增添室內的美觀,也有些人認為室內的水族箱可以帶來好風水,看著魚、蝦游來游去,水草飄逸的感覺也蠻讓人放鬆心情的,魚缸或水族箱的英文說法有好幾種,最常見的是 aquarium,也有 fish tank、fishbowl、fish globe ...