present awards
At this awards ceremony, we will present awards to outstanding students.
在這次頒獎典禮上,我們將向優秀的學生頒發獎項。 -
The school holds an annual awards ceremony to recognize students' exceptional performances and present awards.
學校每年都舉行頒獎典禮,以表彰學生的優異表現並頒發獎項。 -
He performed exceptionally well in the competition and won the award given to the winners.
他在比賽中表現出色,贏得了頒發給優勝者的獎項。 -
This community event aims to recognize those who contribute to the community and present awards to them.
這個社區活動旨在表揚那些對社區作出貢獻的人,並向他們頒發獎項。 -
After intense competition, we selected the best work and will present an award to the author.
在激烈的競爭中,我們選出了最佳的作品,將向作者頒發獎項。 -
Presenting awards is a recognition of their hard work and dedication, as well as an encouragement to keep moving forward.
頒發獎項是對他們辛勤工作和奉獻的肯定,也是鼓勵他們繼續前進的動力。 -
At the company's annual meeting, we will recognize employees' outstanding performance and present awards.
在公司的年度會議上,我們將表揚員工的優異表現並頒發獎項。 -
Academic award ceremonies are often grand events where awards are presented to those who excel in their fields of research.
學術界的頒獎典禮通常是盛大的活動,頒發獎項給在研究領域表現卓越的人。 -
The winners of the design competition will be recognized at the held exhibition and presented with awards.
設計比賽的優勝者將在舉行的展覽上受到表揚,並獲得頒發獎項。 -
Presenting awards is one way to show respect to those who make significant contributions to society, the environment, or other fields.