[動詞] interview
He has an important job interview scheduled for tomorrow.
明天他有一個重要的工作面試。 -
The interview panel consisted of three senior managers.
面試小組由三位高級經理組成。 -
She prepared extensively for the job interview.
她為這次工作面試做了充分的準備。 -
During the interview, they asked about her previous work experience.
面試中,他們問及了她的以往工作經驗。 -
The candidate demonstrated strong communication skills during the interview.
應聘者在面試中展示了出色的溝通能力。 -
After the interview, she felt optimistic about her chances.
面試後,她對自己的機會感到樂觀。 -
The interview process included a series of technical questions.
面試過程中包括了一系列技術性問題。 -
He was nervous but tried to remain calm during the interview.
面試時他很緊張,但努力保持鎮定。 -
The company will contact the successful candidates after the interviews.
公司將在面試後聯繫成功的應聘者。 -
She received positive feedback from the interviewers.
我們都知道 nail 是指甲的意思,但是 nailed it 這句口語用法卻跟指甲一點關係都沒有,英文裡的 nailed it 是非正式的口語用法,有以下幾個意思:
成功做到某事:這是 nailed it 最常見的意思。例如,如果有人考試得了滿分,你可以說 He naile ...