The stigma is the top part of the pistil, where the pollen is collected during pollination.
雌蕊的柱頭是雌蕊的頂部,是在授粉過程中收集花粉的地方。 -
The style is the long, slender tube that connects the stigma to the ovary in the female flower.
雌蕊的花柱是一根細長的管子,連接著雌蕊的柱頭和子房。 -
The pistil is the female reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary.
雌蕊是花的雌性生殖器官,由柱頭、花柱和子房組成。 -
The ovary is the swollen base of the pistil where the ovules develop into seeds after fertilization.
子房是雌蕊的底部膨脹的部分,在受精後卵珠會在這裡發育成種子。 -
Each flower has one or more pistils, each containing the female reproductive parts.
每朵花都有一個或多個雌蕊,每個雌蕊都含有雌性生殖器官。 -
The stigma of the pistil is often sticky or feathery to catch and hold pollen grains.
雌蕊的柱頭常常是黏的或有羽毛狀的,用來捕捉和固定花粉顆粒。 -
After pollination, the pollen travels down the style to the ovary, where fertilization occurs.
授粉後,花粉沿著花柱向下運行到子房,那裡就會發生受精。 -
The pistils of different flowers can vary in size, shape, and color depending on the plant species.
不同植物品種的雌蕊在大小、形狀和顏色上都可能有所不同。 -
Bees and other pollinators play a vital role in transferring pollen from the anthers to the stigma of pistils.
蜜蜂和其他傳粉者在將花粉從花藥轉移到雌蕊的柱頭上扮演著重要角色。 -
The ovules within the ovary develop into seeds when fertilized by pollen from the pistils.