The giraffe is known for its long neck, which can reach up to 6 feet in length.
長頸鹿以其可以長達6英尺的長頸而聞名。 -
Giraffes are the tallest land animals, with adult males standing up to 18 feet tall.
長頸鹿是地球上最高的陸地動物,成年雄性可高達18英尺。 -
A giraffe's long neck helps it reach leaves high up in trees, its primary source of food.
長頸鹿的長頸子幫助它達到樹上高處的樹葉,這是它們的主要食物來源。 -
The pattern of spots on a giraffe's coat is unique to each individual, similar to a human fingerprint.
長頸鹿身上斑點的圖案對每隻個體來說是獨特的,類似人類的指紋。 -
Giraffes are herbivores, feeding mainly on leaves, buds, and shoots from trees and shrubs.
長頸鹿是草食動物,主要吃樹木和灌木的葉子、芽和嫩枝。 -
Male giraffes, called bulls, engage in necking battles where they swing their long necks at each other.
雄性長頸鹿,稱為公牛,會進行「頸挑」戰鬥,在戰鬥中它們會用長頸子互相擺動。 -
Giraffes have a unique cardiovascular system, with a powerful heart to pump blood up their long necks.
長頸鹿有獨特的心血管系統,擁有強大的心臟將血液送到它們的長頸子。 -
The tongue of a giraffe can extend up to 18 inches long, perfect for plucking leaves from thorny branches.
長頸鹿的舌頭可以延伸到18英寸長,非常適合從多刺的樹枝上撥取樹葉。 -
Giraffes have excellent eyesight, allowing them to spot predators from a distance.
長頸鹿有出色的視力,能夠遠距離識別掠食者。 -
Conservation efforts are crucial to protect giraffes from habitat loss and poaching.