iron sheet house名詞
sheet metal house, tin House
Many people in rural areas live in tin shacks due to limited resources.
許多鄉村地區的人因資源有限而居住在鐵皮屋中。 -
The temporary shelter for disaster victims was made of corrugated iron sheets.
災民的臨時庇護所是用波浪鐵皮板搭建的。 -
The tin shack provided basic protection from the elements.
鐵皮屋提供了基本的防風遮雨功能。 -
He grew up in a tin shack on the outskirts of the city.
他在城市郊區的一間鐵皮屋中長大。 -
The government provided prefabricated tin houses for low-income families.
政府為低收入家庭提供了預製鐵皮房屋。 -
The tin-roofed house was a common sight in the rural areas.
鄉村地區的鐵皮屋是一道常見的風景。 -
The residents of the makeshift tin shanty relied on community support.
臨時鐵皮棚的居民依賴社區支持。 -
The corrugated iron hut was a temporary solution for the displaced families.
波浪鐵皮小屋是對流離失所家庭的臨時解決方案。 -
The charity organization built tin huts for homeless individuals.
慈善組織為無家可歸的人士建造了鐵皮小屋。 -
Despite its humble appearance, the tin shack provided a sense of home for many.