The goldfish swam gracefully in the ornamental pond, its scales shimmering in the sunlight.
金魚在觀賞性的池塘中優雅地游動,鱗片在陽光下閃閃發光。 -
Children enjoy watching the vibrant colors of goldfish in home aquariums.
孩子們喜歡觀看家裡水族箱中金魚豔麗的顏色。 -
The traditional Japanese art of kingyo-sukui involves scooping goldfish with a paper net.
日本的傳統藝術「金魚すくい」包括用紙網撇取金魚。 -
Goldfish are known for their distinctive shapes and flowing fins.
金魚以其獨特的形狀和飄逸的鰭片而聞名。 -
The outdoor pond was stocked with a variety of goldfish, creating a visually stunning display.
戶外池塘中存放著各種金魚,形成一個視覺上令人驚艷的景觀。 -
Goldfish are a popular choice for beginner fishkeepers due to their hardiness and colorful appearance.
由於其耐寒性和豐富的顏色,金魚是初學者魚類飼養者的熱門選擇。 -
In Chinese culture, goldfish symbolize good luck, prosperity, and abundance.
在中國文化中,金魚象徵著好運、繁榮和富饒。 -
The goldfish bowl on the windowsill added a touch of beauty to the room.
窗台上的金魚缸為房間增添了一抹美麗。 -
Goldfish competitions often judge fish based on their color, size, and fin quality.
金魚比賽通常根據其顏色、大小和鰭片品質來評判魚隻。 -
Feeding goldfish a balanced diet is crucial for their health and vibrant coloration.
也許很多人喜歡在家裡或辦公室用魚缸養魚,增添室內的美觀,也有些人認為室內的水族箱可以帶來好風水,看著魚、蝦游來游去,水草飄逸的感覺也蠻讓人放鬆心情的,魚缸或水族箱的英文說法有好幾種,最常見的是 aquarium,也有 fish tank、fishbowl、fish globe ...