important propertyimportant valuables名詞
- Valuables:泛指任何具有價值的物品,包括現金、珠寶、電子產品等。
- Precious belongings:指具有個人價值或情感價值的物品,例如傳家寶、紀念品等。
- Assets:指具有經濟價值的財產,包括現金、股票、房地產等。
- Personal property:指個人擁有的任何財產,包括有形財產和無形財產。
- important valuables:通常指具有較高經濟價值的財物。
- important belongings:可以指任何對個人而言重要的財物,無論其經濟價值如何。
- important property:重要財物或貴重物品。
- Please take care of your valuables when you travel.
- I lost my precious belongings in the fire.
- The company's assets include cash, stocks, and real estate.
- The police recovered the stolen personal property.
- Cash and valuables:現金和貴重物品
- Jewelry and other valuables:珠寶和其他貴重物品
- Important documents:重要文件
- Expensive electronics:昂貴的電子產品
Please keep your important valuables in a safe place.
請將您的重要財物放在安全的地方。 -
The safe deposit box is used for storing important valuables.
保險箱用來存放重要財物。 -
He always carries his important belongings in a locked briefcase.
他總是將重要財物放在一個鎖好的公文包裡。 -
The company policy requires employees to safeguard all important valuables.
公司政策要求員工保護所有重要財物。 -
It's wise to have insurance coverage for your important valuables.
對於您的重要財物擁有保險覆蓋是明智的。 -
The fireproof safe is used specifically for storing important valuables.
防火保險箱專門用來存放重要財物。 -
Remember to bring all your important belongings with you when you leave.
離開時記得帶上所有的重要財物。 -
The hotel provides a secure locker for guests to store their important valuables.
飯店提供安全的儲物櫃供客人存放他們的重要財物。 -
Don't leave your important belongings unattended in public places.
不要將您的重要財物無人看管地留在公共場所。 -
He made a list of all his important valuables for insurance purposes.