puff pastry名詞
The croissant is a delicious pastry made with layers of flaky puff pastry dough.
可頌是用層層酥皮麵團製作的美味糕點。 -
Puff pastry is a versatile pastry that can be used for both sweet and savory dishes.
酥皮是一種多功能的糕點,可用於甜的和咸的菜餚。 -
The apple turnover is a pastry filled with diced apples and wrapped in flaky puff pastry.
蘋果派是一種用切碎的蘋果填充並包裹在酥皮裡的糕點。 -
Making puff pastry from scratch requires a lot of patience and skill.
從頭開始製作酥皮需要很多耐心和技巧。 -
Puff pastry can be used to make delicious desserts like tarts and cream puffs.
酥皮可用於製作美味的甜點,如撻和奶油泡芙。 -
The delicate layers of puff pastry create a light and airy texture that's perfect for pastries.
酥皮的細膩層次創造出輕盈空氣的質地,非常適合用於糕點。 -
A quiche is a savory dish made with a flaky puff pastry crust and filled with eggs and cheese.
法式蛋餅是一道咸味菜餚,使用酥皮製成外殼,填充有蛋和乳酪。 -
Puff pastry is made by layering butter and dough together and then rolling and folding it multiple times.
酥皮是通過把奶油和麵團層層疊起來,然後多次滾動和折疊製成的。 -
The rich and buttery flavor of puff pastry is perfect for savory dishes like beef Wellington.
酥皮豐富而奶油的味道非常適合用於像威靈頓牛肉餡餅等咸味菜餚。 -
Puff pastry is a classic French pastry that is used in many traditional French dishes.
甜點在英文中是 dessert,泛指餐後的甜食或各種甜食,包含各種蛋糕、布丁、奶酪....等。而糕點的英文是 pastry,通常指由麵粉、奶油、糖等材料製作而成的甜點,如酥皮、蛋糕、餅乾、鬆餅等,總體來說,糕點是甜點的一個子集,涵蓋的範圍更窄,形式也比較特定。
甜點 des ...