
mail box名詞


  1. 我今天早上收到了你昨晚寄來的郵件信箱。
    I received the email in my mailbox that you sent last night this morning.
  2. 請在郵件信箱裡查收最新的通知和更新。
    Please check the latest notices and updates in your email mailbox.
  3. 我會立即把文件傳送到你的郵件信箱裡。
    I will send the document to your email mailbox immediately.
  4. 如果你有任何問題,請隨時在郵件信箱裡給我留言。
    If you have any questions, please feel free to leave me a message in the email mailbox.
  5. 請確保你的郵件信箱沒有滿,以免錯過任何重要訊息。
    Please make sure your email mailbox is not full to avoid missing any important messages.
  6. 他從來不會忘記檢查郵件信箱,以確保及時回覆所有郵件。
    He never forgets to check his email mailbox to ensure timely replies to all emails.
  7. 請登入你的郵件信箱以重設密碼。
    Please log into your email mailbox to reset your password.
  8. 這封郵件已經傳送到公司的郵件信箱中。
    This email has been sent to the company's email mailbox.
  9. 你能幫我看看我們的郵件信箱裡是否有來自客戶的任何新郵件嗎?
    Could you help me check if there are any new emails from clients in our email mailbox?
  10. 請確認你已經在郵件信箱裡收到了會議的議程。
    Please confirm that you have received the agenda for the meeting in your email mailbox.


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