fast food restaurant名詞
fast food store
- There are many fast food restaurants in Taiwan.
台灣有非常多速食店。 -
Young people especially like fast food restaurants.
年輕人特別喜愛速食店。 -
Fast food restaurants usually have burgers, chips and cola.
速食店通常都有漢堡、薯條及可樂。 -
The staff turnover rate of the fast food restaurant is very high.
速食店的員工流動率很高。 -
Fast food restaurants usually have very high environmental hygiene requirements.
速食店通常對環境衛生的要求非常高。 -
This fast food restaurant is recruiting new employees.
這間速食店正在招募新員工。 -
Taiwan's fast food restaurants have gradually developed delivery services.
台灣的速食店逐漸發展出外送服務。 -
In Taiwan, some fast food restaurants are open 24 hours a day.
在台灣,有些速食店是 24 小時營業的。 -
The fast food restaurant offers convenient food and a simple and clean dining environment.
速食店提供的方便的食物及簡單乾淨的用餐環境。 -
Fast food restaurants often attract consumers through advertising.
速食店經常透過廣告吸引消費者。 -
Fast food stores usually make a lot of garbage.
在臺灣的速食餐廳點一份薯條是再簡單不過的事情了,大多數臺灣人都知道薯條的英文稱為 french fries,不過其實薯條的英文名稱不僅只有一種而已,french fries 是美國人的說法,在英國通常稱薯條為 chips,也就是美國人說的洋芋片,這大概是文化上的差異,建議各位 ...