Car Exhibition
I'm looking forward to attending the upcoming car exhibition to see the latest models from different manufacturers.
我期待著參加即將舉行的車展,看看各家廠商的最新車型。 -
The car exhibition showcased a variety of automobiles, from sleek sports cars to eco-friendly electric vehicles.
車展展示了各種汽車,從時尚的跑車到環保的電動車。 -
Enthusiasts gathered at the car exhibition, discussing the innovative features and performance of the showcased vehicles.
愛好者聚集在車展上,討論展出車輛的創新功能和性能。 -
The car exhibition not only highlights technological advancements but also emphasizes the importance of sustainable transportation.
車展不僅突顯了科技的進步,還強調了永續交通的重要性。 -
Visitors at the car exhibition had the opportunity to test drive some of the displayed cars, experiencing their capabilities firsthand.
車展的參觀者有機會試駕展出的一些車型,第一手體驗它們的性能。 -
Each car in the exhibition tells a story of design ingenuity and engineering excellence.
展覽中的每輛車都講述著設計靈感和工程卓越的故事。 -
The atmosphere at the car exhibition was filled with excitement as automotive enthusiasts admired the craftsmanship of the displayed vehicles.
車展的現場充滿了興奮,汽車愛好者欣賞著展出車輛的工藝。 -
The car exhibition served as a platform for manufacturers to unveil their latest innovations and connect with potential customers.
車展充當了製造商展示最新創新並與潛在客戶聯繫的平台。 -
Exploring the car exhibition allowed me to gain insights into the future trends of the automotive industry.
參觀車展讓我深入了解了汽車行業未來的趨勢。 -
The car exhibition attracted a diverse audience, ranging from car enthusiasts to industry professionals seeking business opportunities.
不知道你是不是跟筆者一樣喜歡看展覽,住在台灣很幸福,經常有許多不同的展覽,除了像是臺北世界貿易中心(Taipei World Trade Center)舉辦的大型展覽之外,城市裡還有各式各樣大小不同的展館,提供公司企業、創作者、藝術家 .... 等領域的人才展示成果,然而,展 ...