multinational corporation名詞
multinational company(跨國公司)
The multinational corporation operates in several countries around the world.
這家跨國企業在世界各地的幾個國家運營。 -
She works for a multinational company that specializes in renewable energy.
她在一家專門從事再生能源的跨國公司工作。 -
The expansion of the multinational enterprise led to job creation in the local economy.
這家跨國企業的擴張帶來了當地經濟的就業機會。 -
The multinational corporation has subsidiaries in Asia, Europe, and South America.
這家跨國公司在亞洲、歐洲和南美洲擁有子公司。 -
He attended a conference on global trade organized by a multinational enterprise.
他參加了一個由一家跨國企業組織的全球貿易會議。 -
The multinational company is known for its diverse workforce and inclusive culture.
這家跨國公司以其多樣化的員工隊伍和包容性文化而聞名。 -
They are considering partnering with a multinational corporation for joint ventures.
他們正在考慮與一家跨國公司合作進行合資企業。 -
The multinational enterprise adheres to strict environmental standards in all its operations.
這家跨國企業在所有業務中遵守嚴格的環境標準。 -
She was offered a position at the headquarters of a multinational corporation.
她被邀請到一家跨國公司的總部工作。 -
The multinational corporation invests heavily in research and development.
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