Nobel Prize名詞
The Nobel Prize is awarded annually in recognition of outstanding achievements in various fields.
諾貝爾獎每年頒發,以表彰各個領域的傑出成就。 -
He received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his groundbreaking research on black holes.
他因對黑洞的開創性研究而獲得了諾貝爾物理學獎。 -
The Nobel Prize in Literature is one of the most prestigious awards for writers and poets.
諾貝爾文學獎是給予作家和詩人的最負盛名的獎項之一。 -
She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her humanitarian efforts and advocacy for social justice.
她因其人道主義努力和對社會正義的倡導而獲得了諾貝爾和平獎。 -
The Nobel Prize in Medicine recognizes groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in the field of medicine.
諾貝爾醫學獎表彰在醫學領域取得的開創性發現和進展。 -
The Nobel Prize ceremony takes place in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 10th each year.
諾貝爾獎頒獎典禮每年12月10日在瑞典斯德哥爾摩舉行。 -
Nobel Prize laureates are selected by various committees and academies based on their contributions to humanity.
諾貝爾獎得主根據他們對人類的貢獻由各個委員會和學院選擇產生。 -
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded for exceptional advancements in the field of chemistry.
諾貝爾化學獎是因在化學領域的卓越進展而頒發的。 -
The Nobel Prize has been awarded since 1901 and has become one of the most prestigious accolades in the world.
諾貝爾獎自1901年開始頒發,已成為世界上最負盛名的獎項之一。 -
Winning a Nobel Prize is considered the highest honor and recognition for individuals who have made significant contributions to their respective fields.