talk about
- Let's talk about your plans for the weekend.
讓我們談談你週末的計劃。 - She often talks about her travels to exotic places.
她經常談談自己去過的異國情調的地方。 - Can we talk about the budget for the project? 我們能談談專案的預算嗎?
- I want to talk about the importance of recycling.
我想談談回收的重要性。 - Let's talk about your favorite books.
讓我們談談你最喜歡的書籍。 - They talked about their childhood memories for hours.
他們談論自己的童年回憶談了幾個小時。 - The teacher talked about the upcoming school trip.
老師談論了即將到來的學校旅行。 - Can we talk about the recent changes in the company? 我們能談談公司最近的變化嗎?
- She loves to talk about her favorite hobbies.
她喜歡談談自己最喜歡的愛好。 - Let's talk about the latest news in the entertainment industry.
Boss:這是最常見的說法,通常指直接管轄你的上司,Boss 也是老闆的意思。
Manager:這個詞語通常指管理一個 ...