[名詞] interview
The journalist conducted an interview with the famous author for a magazine article.
這位記者為一篇雜誌文章對這位知名作家進行了訪談。 -
The CEO agreed to an interview to discuss the company's future plans.
CEO同意接受一次訪談,討論公司的未來計劃。 -
The talk show host invited a celebrity for an exclusive interview.
脫口秀主持人邀請了一位名人進行獨家訪談。 -
The documentary featured interviews with survivors of the natural disaster.
這部紀錄片中包括了對自然災害倖存者的訪談。 -
The job candidate prepared a portfolio to showcase during the interview.
應聘者在面談中展示了一份作品集。 -
She conducted interviews with residents to gather opinions on the new city development plan.
她與居民進行了訪談,收集對新城市發展計劃的意見。 -
The journalist transcribed the interview recordings for the article.
這位記者將訪談錄音轉錄成文章。 -
The research team conducted in-depth interviews to gather qualitative data.
研究團隊進行了深入的訪談,收集質性資料。 -
The documentary filmmaker traveled to different countries for interviews with experts.
紀錄片製片人赴不同國家與專家進行訪談。 -
The podcast features interviews with industry leaders and innovators.