- Every summer, you can hear the cries of the cicada in the park.
每到夏季,公園裡就可以聽到蟬的叫聲。 -
Cicada is an insect that lives in tropical and subtropical regions.
蟬是一種生活在熱帶及亞熱帶地區的昆蟲。 - There are more than 2500 species of cicadas known to mankind.
人類已知的蟬有超過兩千五百種。 -
Cicada is an insect with good vision.
蟬是擁有很好視力的昆蟲。 -
Cicada has five eyes, including two compound eyes and three single eyes.
蟬有五隻眼睛,包含兩隻複眼和三隻單眼。 - Cicadas have eyes set wide apart, short antennae, and membranous front wings.
蟬的眼睛分開,短的觸角和膜狀的前翅。 -
Cicadas are in the suborder Auchenorrhyncha.
蟬屬於半翅目亞目。 -
Most cicadas are cryptic, singing at night to avoid predators.
大多數蟬是神秘的,晚上唱歌以避免掠食者。 -
The periodic cicadas spend most of their lives as underground nymphs, emerging only after 13 or 17 years.
週期性蟬的大部分時間都是地下若蟲,僅在13或17年後出現。 -
Cicadas are eaten in various countries.
蟬在各個國家都被食用。 -
Cicadas are feeble jumpers and nymphs lack the ability to jump altogether.
蟬是微弱的跳躍者,若蟲沒有完全跳躍的能力。 - Cicada nymphs drink sap from the xylem of various species of trees.
蟬的若蟲從各種樹木的木質部中飲用樹液。(PS.幼蟲發展為成蟲的過程稱為若蟲) -
Cicada can drink plant sap utilizing their sucking mouthparts.