praying mantis
The mantis patiently waited, its long, serrated forelegs poised to strike.
螳螂耐心地等待著,它長長、鋸齒狀的前腿準備好了要攻擊。 -
Mantis are known for their distinctive praying posture, with their front legs folded as if in prayer.
螳螂以其獨特的禱告姿勢而聞名,前腿折疊得像在祈禱一樣。 -
The mantis swayed gently on the branch, blending perfectly with the leaves around it.
螳螂在樹枝上輕輕搖晃著,完美地融入周圍的葉子中。 -
A mantis' keen eyesight allows it to spot even the tiniest of insects from a distance.
螳螂敏銳的視力使它能夠從遠處發現甚至最小的昆蟲。 -
The mantis remained motionless, waiting for the perfect moment to ambush its prey.
螳螂保持靜止,等待著最佳時機伏擊獵物。 -
Mantis females are known for their cannibalistic mating behavior, sometimes devouring the male after copulation.
螳螂雌性以其食同類的交配行為而聞名,有時在交配後會吃掉雄性。 -
The mantis nymphs emerged from their egg case, tiny replicas of their adult counterparts.
螳螂若蟲從它們的卵殼中孵化出來,是成年螳螂的微小複製品。 -
Mantis are skilled predators, using their lightning-fast strike to catch prey.
螳螂是熟練的捕食者,利用它們迅速的攻擊來捕捉獵物。 -
The mantis' exoskeleton provides protection and allows it to blend in with its environment.
螳螂的外骨骼提供保護,使其能夠融入周圍的環境。 -
A mantis can rotate its head almost 180 degrees, scanning its surroundings for potential prey.