複數 fireflies
Fireflies dance in the darkness, their gentle glow lighting up the night.
螢火蟲在黑暗中起舞,它們溫和的光芒照亮了夜晚。 -
Summer evenings are magical with the flickering lights of fireflies in the fields.
夏日的傍晚因田野間閃爍的螢火蟲而充滿魔幻色彩。 -
Children chase after fireflies, trying to catch a bit of their enchantment in a jar.
孩子們追逐螢火蟲,試圖在罐子裡捕捉到一點它們的魔力。 -
The soft glow of fireflies creates a serene atmosphere, perfect for quiet contemplation.
螢火蟲溫柔的光芒營造出一種寧靜的氛圍,非常適合靜心思考。 -
As dusk settles, the meadows come alive with the magical light show of fireflies.
黃昏降臨時,草地上燃起了螢火蟲的神奇光影秀。 -
Fireflies are like stars that have descended to earth, twinkling among the grasses.
螢火蟲就像降落到地球上的星星,在草叢間閃爍著。 -
The fleeting beauty of fireflies reminds us to cherish the ephemeral moments in life.
螢火蟲稍縱即逝的美麗提醒著我們珍惜生命中短暫的時刻。 -
A summer night becomes a magical wonderland when fireflies emerge from their hiding spots.
夏夜因螢火蟲從藏身處出現而變成了一個神奇的仙境。 -
Fireflies illuminate the darkness with their tiny lanterns, creating a fairy-like ambiance.
螢火蟲用它們微小的燈籠照亮了黑暗,營造出仙境般的氛圍。 -
Watching fireflies twinkle in the night sky is a simple joy that never fails to mesmerize.