food steamer名詞
steamer, steam cooker, mushiki, bamboo steamer
- Food steamers are a very useful thing.
蒸籠是一種非常好用的東西。 -
Many families in Taiwan have replaced traditional food steamers with electric cookers.
台灣的許多家庭都用電鍋取代傳統蒸籠。 -
There are a hundred steamed dumplings in the food steamer.
蒸籠裡有一百顆蒸餃。 -
Put the freshly wrapped rice dumplings in a food steamer and steam for about 30 minutes.
把剛包好的粽子放入蒸籠中,大約蒸30分鐘。 -
A food steamer is a small kitchen appliance.
蒸籠是一種小型廚房用具。 -
A food steamer is used to cook various foods with steam heat by means of holding the food in a closed vessel reducing steam escape.
蒸籠透過將食物保持在密閉容器中來減少蒸汽逸出而用蒸汽加熱烹飪各種食物。 -
The manner of cooking by food steamer is called steaming.
用蒸籠的烹飪方式稱為蒸。 -
Food steamers have been used for centuries.
蒸籠已經使用了幾個世紀。 -
Grandma has a very old steamer.
奶奶家有一個很古老的蒸籠。 -
I like to use steamers to steam chicken dishes.
我喜歡使用蒸籠來清蒸雞肉料理。 -
Traditional bamboo steamers have aromas of bamboo when steaming food.
傳統的竹製蒸籠在蒸食物的時候會有竹子的香味。 - In general, the Xiaolongbao need to be steamed with a food steamer.
一般來說,小籠包需要用蒸籠來蒸熟。 - Mary steamed five soup dumplings with a food steamer.
餐具是每天都會用到的用餐工具,東西方飲食文化不太一樣,所以在使用的餐具上也會有些許的差異,例如台灣常見的餐具如筷子、碗、盤子、碟子、碗公、湯鍋 ... 等,西方人常用的餐具則是叉子、刀子、餐盤、碟子、餐巾 ... 等,這篇就整理了許多常用的中式及西式餐具英文說法,一起來看看。對了 ...