茶水間的英文最常見的說法是 pantry、pantry room 或 tea room,意思是儲藏室、食品儲藏室。在辦公室環境中,pantry 通常是指員工可以休息、吃飯和喝水的場所。
- break room:休息室,通常是指員工可以休息和放鬆的場所。
- kitchenette:小廚房,通常是指配備簡單烹飪設備的廚房。
- staff room:員工休息室,通常是指供員工休息和用餐的場所。
- common room:公共休息室,通常是指供所有人使用的休息場所。
可以根據茶水間的具體情況選擇合適的術語,例如,如果茶水間僅供員工使用,可以使用 break room 或 staff room;如果茶水間供所有人使用,可以使用 common room。
Employees gather in the pantry during breaks to chat and relax.
員工在休息時間聚集在茶水間聊天和放鬆。 -
The pantry is stocked with a variety of snacks and beverages for employees.
茶水間存放著各種零食和飲料供員工使用。 -
He brewed a fresh pot of coffee in the pantry for his colleagues.
他在茶水間為同事們沖了一壺新鮮的咖啡。 -
The pantry serves as a social hub where colleagues exchange ideas and updates.
茶水間是一個社交中心,同事們在這裡交流想法和消息。 -
She left a note in the pantry reminding everyone to clean up after themselves.
她在茶水間留了一張便條,提醒大家用完後要清理乾淨。 -
The company upgraded the pantry with comfortable seating and a mini-fridge.
公司升級了茶水間,加入了舒適的座位和一個迷你冰箱。 -
Employees often gather in the pantry to celebrate birthdays and milestones.
員工經常在茶水間聚會慶祝生日和重要里程碑。 -
He brought homemade cookies to share with colleagues in the pantry.
他帶了自製餅乾到茶水間和同事們分享。 -
The pantry is equipped with a microwave and toaster for quick meals.
茶水間配備了微波爐和烤麵包機,方便快速餐食。 -
She organized a tea tasting session in the pantry for interested colleagues.