tea tree名詞
The tea trees thrive in the mountainous regions of this country.
這個國家的山區是茶樹茂盛的地方。 -
The leaves of the tea tree are carefully plucked by skilled workers.
茶樹的葉子由熟練的工人小心採摘。 -
Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial properties.
茶樹油以其抗菌性能而聞名。 -
The ancient tea trees in this region are treasured for their unique flavors.
這個地區的古老茶樹因其獨特的風味而珍貴。 -
Some tea farmers believe in the traditional method of hand-picking leaves from the tea tree.
一些茶農堅信從茶樹上手工採摘葉子的傳統方法。 -
The tea tree leaves are carefully dried and processed to preserve their flavor.
茶樹的葉子被小心地曬乾和加工,以保留其風味。 -
Tea tree cultivation requires specific soil and climate conditions.
茶樹的種植需要特定的土壤和氣候條件。 -
The tea tree forests provide a habitat for diverse wildlife.
茶樹林為各種野生動物提供了棲息地。 -
The tea tree is an evergreen plant, with glossy, dark green leaves.
茶樹是一種常綠植物,具有光滑的深綠色葉子。 -
In traditional medicine, tea tree leaves are used for their medicinal properties.