- She poured fragrant jasmine tea from the teapot into delicate porcelain cups.
她從茶壺中倒出香氣撲鼻的茉莉花茶,注入精緻的瓷杯裡。 - The traditional Chinese teapot was adorned with intricate floral patterns.
這個傳統的中式茶壺上飾有精緻的花紋。 - He filled the teapot with boiling water to steep the tea leaves.
他將茶壺裝滿了沸水,沖泡茶葉。 - The teapot was passed around the table, each person pouring a cup for the next.
茶壺在桌上傳遞,每個人為下一個人倒了一杯茶。 - She carefully placed the teapot on a bamboo trivet to keep it warm.
她小心地將茶壺放在竹制的茶墊上,保持溫暖。 - They enjoyed a leisurely afternoon tea, pouring from an elegant silver teapot.
他們享受著悠閒的下午茶,從一個優雅的銀茶壺中倒出。 - The teapot whistled softly as the water reached a boil on the stove.
茶壺在爐上的水開時輕輕地發出哨聲。 - He collected antique teapots, each with a unique history and design.
他收集古董茶壺,每一個都有著獨特的歷史和設計。 - She poured the fragrant oolong tea from the teapot, its amber color enticing.
她從茶壺中倒出了香氣四溢的烏龍茶,琥珀色的茶水誘人。 - The teapot was a cherished family heirloom, passed down through generations.
餐具是每天都會用到的用餐工具,東西方飲食文化不太一樣,所以在使用的餐具上也會有些許的差異,例如台灣常見的餐具如筷子、碗、盤子、碟子、碗公、湯鍋 ... 等,西方人常用的餐具則是叉子、刀子、餐盤、碟子、餐巾 ... 等,這篇就整理了許多常用的中式及西式餐具英文說法,一起來看看。對了 ...