Bees collect nectar from flowers to make honey, a sweet substance known as flower nectar.
蜜蜂從花朵中採集花蜜,製作成為蜂蜜,一種被稱為花蜜的甜蜜物質。 -
The scent of flowers often attracts pollinators seeking nectar, such as bees and butterflies.
花朵的香氣常常吸引採花蜜的授粉者,如蜜蜂和蝴蝶。 -
Nectar is a sugary liquid secreted by flowers to attract insects for pollination.
花蜜是花朵分泌的含糖液體,用來吸引昆蟲進行授粉。 -
Honeybees store collected nectar in their hives, where it undergoes a process to become honey.
蜜蜂將收集到的花蜜儲存到蜂巢中,透過一個過程變成蜂蜜。 -
Many flowering plants rely on insects to transfer pollen while they gather nectar.
許多開花植物依賴昆蟲在它們採集花蜜的同時傳播花粉。 -
Pollinators play a vital role in ecosystems by helping plants reproduce through nectar gathering.
授粉者透過採集花蜜幫助植物繁殖,從而在生態系統中扮演重要角色。 -
The sweet taste of nectar serves as a reward for pollinators, encouraging them to visit more flowers.
花蜜的甜味作為授粉者的獎勵,鼓勵它們更多地存取花朵。 -
Some plants produce extra nectar to attract more pollinators during their blooming period.
一些植物在開花期間產生額外的花蜜,吸引更多的授粉者。 -
The color and scent of flowers often indicate the type of pollinators they aim to attract for nectar.
花朵的顏色和香氣通常表明它們想要吸引的授粉者類型。 -
Hummingbirds have long beaks to reach deep into flowers to sip nectar, aiding in pollination.