[動詞] farm, plant, cultivate; [名詞] planting, cultivation, farming
Farmers engage in cultivation to prepare the soil for planting crops.
農夫們進行耕種以準備土壤種植作物。 -
Crop rotation is a common practice in sustainable farming to improve soil fertility through cultivation.
輪作是永續農業中的常見做法,透過耕種來提高土壤肥力。 -
Tractors are commonly used for large-scale cultivation in modern agriculture.
拖拉機在現代農業中常用於大規模的耕種。 -
Careful cultivation techniques can help prevent soil erosion and conserve water.
精心的耕種技術可以幫助防止土壤侵蝕,保護水源。 -
Farmers till the land before planting to break up soil clumps and create a fine seedbed.
農夫們在種植之前耕地,打碎土壤塊,創造一個細膩的種床。 -
Traditional cultivation methods often involve manual labor, such as hoeing and plowing.
傳統的耕種方法通常涉及到人工勞動,如鋤地和犁田。 -
The use of cover crops is a beneficial practice in sustainable cultivation to improve soil health.
使用遮蓋作物是永續耕種中一個有益的做法,可以改善土壤健康。 -
Precision cultivation techniques aim to optimize planting density and reduce resource waste.
精準耕種技術目的是優化播種密度,減少資源浪費。 -
Mechanical cultivation equipment, such as cultivators and harrows, streamline the farming process.
用於耕種的機械設備,如耕耘機和耙地機,使農業過程更加高效。 -
Farmers need to rotate crops regularly to prevent soil depletion and maintain fertility.