red mangrove
- Red mangrove is commonly found along coastlines and in estuaries.
紅樹常見於海岸線和河口地區。 -
The aerial roots of red mangrove, known as pneumatophores, help the plant absorb oxygen in waterlogged soil.
紅樹的空氣根,也稱為氣根,幫助植物在濕潤的土壤中吸收氧氣。 -
Red mangrove plays a vital role in coastal protection by stabilizing shorelines and reducing erosion.
紅樹在穩固海岸線、減少侵蝕方面發揮著極為重要的作用。 -
The prop roots of red mangrove provide structural support and help anchor the tree in the muddy substrate.
紅樹的支柱根提供結構支撐,幫助樹木在泥濘的基質中固定。 -
Red mangrove seeds are dispersed by water, allowing the plant to colonize new areas.
紅樹的種子透過水流散播,使植物能夠在新區域定居。 -
The dense network of red mangrove roots provides habitat for various marine organisms.
紅樹密集的根系為各種海洋生物提供了棲息地。 -
Red mangrove leaves are thick and waxy to reduce water loss in the salty environment.
紅樹的葉子厚而有蠟質,以減少在鹹水環境中的水分流失。 -
Red mangrove forests are important breeding grounds for many fish and crustaceans.
紅樹林是許多魚類和甲殼動物的重要繁殖場所。 -
The conservation of red mangrove ecosystems is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and protecting coastal communities.