
technology company名詞


tech company


  1. Apple is a well-known technology company that produces iPhones and MacBooks.
    蘋果是一家著名的科技公司,生產 iPhone 和 MacBook。
  2. Google is a multinational technology company that specializes in internet-related services and products.
    Google 是一家多國經營的科技公司,專門從事網際網路相關的服務和產品。
  3. Microsoft is a leading technology company that creates software, hardware, and other technological solutions.
  4. Amazon is a giant technology company that operates in e-commerce, cloud computing, and digital streaming.
  5. Tesla is an innovative technology company that produces electric vehicles and clean energy products.
  6. IBM is a global technology company that offers various services and solutions, including artificial intelligence and blockchain technology.
    IBM 是一家全球性的科技公司,提供各種服務和解決方案,包括人工智慧和區塊鏈技術。
  7. Intel is a semiconductor technology company that produces microprocessors and other computer components.
  8. Facebook is a social media technology company that connects people all around the world.
    Facebook 是一家社交媒體科技公司,連接全世界的人們。
  9. NVIDIA is a graphics processing technology company that develops graphics cards and other hardware.
    NVIDIA 是一家圖形處理科技公司,開發顯示卡和其他硬體。
  10. Twitter is a technology company that operates a social media platform where people can post and interact with short messages called "tweets".
    Twitter 是一家科技公司,經營一個社交媒體平台,人們可以發布和互動稱為「推文」的短訊息。
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