R&D Engineer名詞
研發工程師的英文說法最常見的是 R&D Engineer,是 Research and Development Engineer 的縮寫,這幾個字的意思如下
- Research:研究
- Development:開發
- Engineer:工程師
因此,R&D Engineer 的直譯就是研究開發工程師。
在實際使用中,R&D Engineer 可以縮寫為 RD Engineer。
以下是一些 R&D Engineer 的例句:
- I am an R&D Engineer at a software company. (我是一家軟體公司的研發工程師。)
- R&D Engineers are responsible for developing new products and technologies. (研發工程師負責開發新產品和技術。)
- R&D Engineers need to have strong technical skills and problem-solving abilities. (研發工程師需要有強大的技術技能和解決問題的能力。)
除了 R&D Engineer 之外,研發工程師的英文說法還有:
- Research Engineer:研究工程師
- Development Engineer:開發工程師
- Product Engineer:產品工程師
- Design Engineer:設計工程師
The research and development engineer is responsible for designing new products.
研發工程師負責設計新產品。 -
R&D engineers work tirelessly to innovate and improve existing technologies.
研發工程師不知疲倦地努力創新和改進現有技術。 -
The company hired a team of talented R&D engineers to lead product development.
公司聘請了一支才華橫溢的研發工程師團隊來領導產品開發。 -
Research and development engineers conduct experiments to test new hypotheses.
研發工程師進行實驗來測試新的假設。 -
The R&D engineer presented the latest findings at the industry conference.
研發工程師在行業會議上介紹了最新的研究成果。 -
It takes a skilled R&D engineer to transform ideas into marketable products.
需要一位熟練的研發工程師將想法轉化為市場產品。 -
The R&D team collaborated with marketing to identify consumer needs.
研發團隊與市場部門合作,確定消費者需求。 -
The company invested heavily in its R&D department to stay ahead of the competition.
公司大力投資於其研發部門,以保持競爭優勢。 -
Research and development engineers play a pivotal role in technological advancement.
研發工程師在技術進步中扮演關鍵角色。 -
The R&D engineer's innovative approach led to the creation of a breakthrough product.