- He is a male actor who has won numerous awards.
他是一位男性演員,已經贏得了無數獎項。 - There is a growing trend of male nurses entering the healthcare profession.
越來越多的男性護士進入了醫療行業。 - Male infertility can sometimes be caused by hormonal imbalances.
男性不孕有時可能是由荷爾蒙失調引起的。 -
In certain cultures, men may bear the financial responsibility of the family.
男性在某些文化中可能承擔著家庭的經濟責任。 -
This company is striving to increase the proportion of women in the technical field, but men still dominate.
這間公司正在努力提升女性在技術領域的比例,但男性仍佔多數。 -
In this society, men are often expected to display a strong exterior.
在這個社會中,男性通常被期望展現堅強的外表。 -
Many men may be reluctant to express their emotions when facing pressure.
許多男性在面對壓力時可能不太願意表達情感。 -
The increase in awareness about men's health prompts more people to focus on mental health issues.
男性健康意識的提升,促使更多人關注心理健康議題。 -
In some industries, men still hold the dominant position, but women are gradually rising.
在一些行業中,男性仍佔主導地位,但女性正逐漸崛起。 -
Men play an important role in the role of fatherhood, with a profound impact on the growth of their children.
男性在父親角色中扮演著重要的角色,對子女的成長有著深遠的影響。 -
Despite prevalent notions of masculinity in society, many men also support gender equality.
儘管社會上普遍存在著男性主義觀念,但許多男性也支持性別平等。 -
Men take on the role of caring for their families and providing support at home.
男性在家庭中承擔著照顧家人和提供支持的角色。 -
In marriage, both men and women should be respectful and equal partners to each other.
Sir 這個詞似乎很常出現在美國人的口語中,尤其是在有官階的團體如軍營、警局 .... 等,其實 Sir 是英語中用於稱呼男性的尊稱,通常用於正式場合,它可以翻譯成中文的“先生”、“爵士”或“大人”,可以 ...
英文裡的 Mr. 是 Mister 的縮寫,是對男性的尊稱,無論婚姻狀況如何,都可以用它來稱呼任何成年男性,它通常用於姓氏之前,例如“Mr. Smith” 或“Mr. John Smith ”,在正式場合,也可以用於全名之前,例如& ...