The beetle crawled slowly along the forest floor, its shiny shell reflecting the sunlight.
甲蟲緩慢地沿著森林地面爬行,它閃亮的外殼反射著陽光。 -
Beetles are a diverse group of insects, with over 350,000 species known to science.
甲蟲是一個多樣化的昆蟲群體,科學已知有超過35萬種。 -
The ladybug, also known as a ladybird beetle, is beloved for its bright red shell and black spots.
瓢蟲,也被稱為瓢蟲甲蟲,因其鮮艷的紅色外殼和黑色斑點而受人喜愛。 -
Some beetles have evolved intricate patterns on their shells to deter predators.
一些甲蟲已經演化出複雜的斑紋來防止捕食者。 -
The dung beetle rolls balls of dung to use as food and a place to lay eggs.
蜣螂捲動粪球用作食物和產卵的地方。 -
Beetles play an important role in ecosystems as decomposers, breaking down dead plants and animals.
甲蟲在生態系統中扮演著重要角色,作為分解者分解死去的植物和動物。 -
The stag beetle is known for its impressive mandibles, used for fighting and mating displays.
鍬形蟲以其壯觀的顎部而聞名,用於戰鬥和交配展示。 -
The jewel beetle is prized for its iridescent, metallic-colored shell, resembling a precious gem.
寶石甲蟲因其彩虹般的金屬色外殼而受人喜愛,類似於珍貴的寶石。 -
Some beetles emit pheromones to communicate with each other, signaling food sources or mating opportunities.
一些甲蟲釋放費洛蒙來彼此溝通,訊號食物來源或交配機會。 -
The rhinoceros beetle gets its name from the horn-like projection on its head, resembling a rhinoceros.