I have a sweet tooth and I can't resist eating sweets.
我有一個甜食愛好者,無法抗拒甜食的誘惑。 -
My favorite sweet is chocolate, especially dark chocolate.
我最喜歡的甜食是巧克力,特別是黑巧克力。 -
There are so many different types of sweets, from candy to cakes to ice cream.
有很多種不同類型的甜食,從糖果到蛋糕再到冰淇淋。 -
Some people prefer their sweets to be really sugary, while others prefer a more subtle sweetness.
有些人喜歡他們的甜食真的很甜,而有些人則喜歡更細微的甜味。 -
Sweet foods can be a great source of comfort and pleasure.
甜食可以成為舒適和愉悅的好來源。 -
Eating too many sweets can lead to health problems, such as cavities and diabetes.
吃太多甜食可能會導致健康問題,例如蛀牙和糖尿病。 -
Some cultures have their own unique sweet treats, such as baklava in Middle Eastern cuisine.
一些文化有他們自己獨特的甜食,例如中東菜中的千層酥。 -
Making sweets can be a fun and rewarding activity, especially when you get to share them with others.
製作甜食可以是一個有趣和有收穫的活動,特別是當你可以與他人分享時。 -
A lot of classic sweets, such as apple pie and crème brûlée, are made with a combination of sweet and savory flavors.
許多經典的甜食,例如蘋果派和焦糖布丁,都是使用甜味和咸味結合製作而成。 -
I have a sweet tooth and can't resist sweets like chocolate and candy.
我很愛吃甜食,尤其是巧克力和糖果。 -
We brought a box of assorted sweets as a gift for our host family.
我們帶了一盒各式各樣的甜食作為拜訪主人家的禮物。 -
My mom always told me that eating too many sweets is bad for my teeth.
我們經常會用入口即化來形容食物在嘴裡很容易散開來,或者是肉類燉煮得非常軟爛好吃,有時候也會用來形容巧克力在嘴裡絲滑柔順的口感,從這樣的概念來看,其實就可以知道英文應該怎麼表達,入口即化的常用英文說法是 melt in one's mouth,字面意思是「在某人嘴裡融化」,這個 ...
甜點在英文中是 dessert,泛指餐後的甜食或各種甜食,包含各種蛋糕、布丁、奶酪....等。而糕點的英文是 pastry,通常指由麵粉、奶油、糖等材料製作而成的甜點,如酥皮、蛋糕、餅乾、鬆餅等,總體來說,糕點是甜點的一個子集,涵蓋的範圍更窄,形式也比較特定。
甜點 des ...