The ladybug, with its bright red color and black spots, is a beloved symbol of good luck.
瓢蟲以其鮮艷的紅色和黑色斑點而成為受人喜愛的好運象徵。 -
Children often delight in watching ladybugs crawl along leaves and flowers in the garden.
孩子們常常喜歡看瓢蟲在花草間爬行。 -
Ladybugs are beneficial insects that help to control aphids and other garden pests.
瓢蟲是有益的昆蟲,可以幫助控制蚜蟲和其他花園害蟲。 -
In many cultures, the sight of a ladybug is believed to bring happiness and prosperity.
在許多文化中,看到瓢蟲被認為會帶來幸福和繁榮。 -
Ladybugs are known for their voracious appetite for aphids, making them valuable allies to farmers and gardeners.
瓢蟲以對蚜蟲的貪婪食慾而聞名,使它們成為農民和園丁的寶貴盟友。 -
The bright colors of ladybugs serve as a warning to potential predators, indicating their distastefulness.
瓢蟲鮮豔的顏色是對潛在掠食者的警告,表明它們的不可口性。 -
Ladybugs are often associated with the arrival of spring, heralding the season of renewal and growth.
瓢蟲常與春天的到來聯繫在一起,預示著更新和生長的季節。 -
Gardeners sometimes release ladybugs into their gardens as a natural method of pest control.
園丁們有時會在花園中釋放瓢蟲,作為一種天然的害蟲控制方法。 -
Ladybugs undergo a complete metamorphosis, starting as tiny larvae before transforming into their iconic form.
瓢蟲經歷完全的變態過程,從微小的幼蟲開始,然後變成它們標誌性的形態。 -
Some people believe that if a ladybug lands on you, it brings a message of good fortune.