The zoo has a playful monkey that loves to swing from branch to branch.
動物園裡有一隻愛從樹枝上荡來荡去的調皮猴子。 -
In some cultures, the monkey is seen as a symbol of intelligence and curiosity.
在一些文化中,猴子被視為智慧和好奇心的象徵。 -
The cartoon character wears a hat and carries a little monkey on his shoulder.
這個卡通角色戴著帽子,肩上還扛著一隻小猴子。 -
The researchers observed the monkeys' behavior in their natural habitat.
研究人員觀察了猴子在其自然棲息地中的行為。 -
Monkeys are known for their agility and ability to climb trees with ease.
猴子以其靈活和輕鬆爬樹的能力而聞名。 -
She decorated her room with cute monkey plush toys hanging from the ceiling.
她把她的房間裝飾得十分可愛,從天花板上懸掛著毛絨玩具猴子。 -
The monkey chattered excitedly as it played with its fellow primates.
猴子與同類一起玩耍時,興奮的嘰嘰喳喳。 -
The monkey stole a banana from the picnic basket and scampered away.
猴子從野餐籃子裡偷了一根香蕉,然後跳跳躍躍地跑開了。 -
Children love to watch the antics of monkeys at the zoo.
孩子們喜歡在動物園裡觀看猴子的把戲。 -
The jungle echoed with the sounds of monkeys swinging through the trees.