sacrifice hit
Sacrifice Bunt
When the game reached a crucial moment, he opted for a sacrifice bunt to create a scoring opportunity for his teammates.
當比賽進入關鍵時刻,他選擇進行犧牲打,為隊友爭取得分機會。 -
The sacrifice hit in the crucial inning became the pivotal play that changed the course of the game.
在比賽的關鍵局面,犧牲打成為了改變局勢的關鍵一擊。 -
He executed two successful sacrifice hits in crucial games, leading to key runs for the team.
他在重要的比賽中兩次成功地進行了犧牲打,為球隊取得關鍵得分。 -
The coach gave the signal for a sacrifice hit, hoping to turn the tide of the game.
教練下達了進行犧牲打的指令,希望能夠挽回比賽的局勢。 -
A sacrifice hit is not only for scoring but also for advancing the runner to the next base.
犧牲打不僅是為了得分,也是為了讓跑者升上一壘。 -
He broke the deadlock in the game with a sacrifice hit for the team.
他在比賽中以一記犧牲打幫助球隊打破了僵局。 -
The team secured victory at a crucial moment with a sacrifice hit.
球隊在關鍵時刻依靠犧牲打獲得了勝利。 -
In the final inning of the game, he contributed to the team's victory with a sacrifice hit.
在比賽的最後一局,他以一記犧牲打幫助球隊取得了勝利。 -
His sacrifice hit allowed the runner to advance to scoring position.
他的犧牲打讓跑者順利進入得分位置。 -
The sacrifice hit showcased the team's spirit of cooperation, putting individual interests behind the team's success.
棒球是一種精彩的運動,其中有許多特有的術語。首先是「全壘打」,指的是打者一棒打到底的情況,可以直接跑完四個壘包得分,接著是「三振」,表示投手在三球內成功將打擊者三次觸擊失敗,使其出局,另外還有「保送」,當投手四壞球讓打者直接走到一壘。而「安打」則是打者擊球成功並安全到達壘包的 ...