matte grey名詞
The matte gray walls gave the room a modern and minimalist feel.
這間房間的消光灰牆壁給人現代和極簡主義的感覺。 -
She wore a stylish matte gray suit to the business meeting, exuding confidence and professionalism.
她穿著一套時尚的消光灰西裝參加商務會議,散發出自信和專業。 -
The artist chose a palette of matte gray tones to create a moody and atmospheric painting.
藝術家選擇了一系列消光灰色調來創作一幅陰沉而富有氛圍的畫作。 -
The matte gray finish of the car gave it a sleek and sophisticated look on the road.
車子的消光灰呈現讓它在路上顯得光滑而精緻。 -
The curtains in the living room were a soft matte gray, complementing the neutral tones of the furniture.
客廳的窗簾是柔和的消光灰色,與家具的中性色調相得益彰。 -
The clouds hung low in the sky, casting the landscape in a somber matte gray light.
云層低垂在天空中,讓風景被一片陰鬱的消光灰光線籠罩。 -
The matte gray tiles in the bathroom added a touch of modern elegance to the space.
浴室裡的消光灰色磁磚為空間增添了一抹現代優雅感。 -
The artist's studio was painted in a calming matte gray, allowing the vibrant artworks to stand out.
藝術家的工作室被塗成了一種寧靜的消光灰色,讓那些充滿活力的藝術品更加突出。 -
The matte gray stone of the fireplace gave the living room a cozy and inviting atmosphere.
壁爐的消光灰色石材讓客廳充滿了溫馨和吸引力的氛圍。 -
The laptop had a sleek matte gray casing, perfect for the professional on the go.
你認識那些顏色的英文單字呢?在日常生活中,除了常見的紅色、黃色、藍色、綠色、黑色、白色這些基本的顏色之外,還有許多不同的顏色,為了清楚表達各種顏色,這些不同的顏色還會有不同的英文名稱,這裡我們就整理了各種常見的顏色英文說法對照表,包含 16 進位色碼讓各位清楚認識他們。顏色中文顏 ...