potato chip名詞
potato chip 是美式英文洋芋片的說法,簡稱為 chip,複數形態為 chips,也可以翻譯成薯片,英式英文稱洋芋片為 potato crisps 或 crisps。
- She enjoys snacking on potato chips while watching movies.
她喜歡一邊看電影一邊吃洋芋片。 - Potato chips are a popular choice for party snacks.
洋芋片是派對小吃中的熱門選擇。 - They sell various flavors of potato chips at the supermarket.
超市裡有各種口味的洋芋片販售。 - She packed a bag of potato chips in her lunchbox for a crunchy snack.
她在午餐盒裡放了一包洋芋片,作為脆脆的點心。 - Potato chips are often served with sandwiches or burgers.
洋芋片常常配搭三明治或漢堡。 - The children begged for a bag of potato chips at the grocery store.
孩子們在雜貨店裡乞求買一包洋芋片。 - She couldn't resist the temptation of the salty potato chips.
她無法抗拒鹹洋芋片的誘惑。 - They enjoyed a picnic in the park with sandwiches and potato chips.
他們在公園裡野餐,吃著三明治和洋芋片。 - Potato chips are made by slicing and frying potatoes until crispy.
洋芋片是將洋芋切片後炸至酥脆製成的。 - She shared a bag of potato chips with her friends during the road trip.
在臺灣的速食餐廳點一份薯條是再簡單不過的事情了,大多數臺灣人都知道薯條的英文稱為 french fries,不過其實薯條的英文名稱不僅只有一種而已,french fries 是美國人的說法,在英國通常稱薯條為 chips,也就是美國人說的洋芋片,這大概是文化上的差異,建議各位 ...