aquatic plants
Aquatic plants play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem in freshwater aquariums.
水草在維持淡水水族箱中平衡生態系統方面扮演關鍵角色。 -
Some aquarium enthusiasts prefer to include a variety of aquatic plants to enhance the tank's aesthetics.
一些水族箱愛好者喜歡添加各種水草以提升水槽的美感。 -
Aquatic plants oxygenate the water and provide hiding places for fish in natural aquatic environments.
水草能夠給水氧氣並為魚類提供在自然水域中的躲藏場所。 -
The selection of suitable aquatic plants depends on factors like water conditions and lighting.
選擇適合的水草取決於水質條件和照明等因素。 -
Proper care and maintenance are essential for the health and growth of aquatic plants.
對水草進行適當的護理和維護對於它們的健康和生長極為重要。 -
Aquascaping involves arranging aquatic plants and other elements to create visually appealing underwater landscapes.
水族造景涉及安排水草和其他元素,以創造出視覺上吸引人的水下風景。 -
Floating aquatic plants provide shade and shelter for fish while adding a natural look to the aquarium.
漂浮的水草為魚提供陰蔽和庇護,同時為水族箱增添自然的外觀。 -
Some aquarium hobbyists specialize in cultivating rare and exotic aquatic plants.
一些水族箱愛好者專門培育罕見和異國情調的水草。 -
Aquatic plants contribute to nutrient cycling in aquariums, promoting a stable and healthy environment.
水草有助於水族箱中的營養循環,促進穩定和健康的環境。 -
Understanding the specific needs of different aquatic plants is essential for successful aquascaping.
也許很多人喜歡在家裡或辦公室用魚缸養魚,增添室內的美觀,也有些人認為室內的水族箱可以帶來好風水,看著魚、蝦游來游去,水草飄逸的感覺也蠻讓人放鬆心情的,魚缸或水族箱的英文說法有好幾種,最常見的是 aquarium,也有 fish tank、fishbowl、fish globe ...